Radian | Placematters provided Urban Land Conservancy (ULC) with planning and design support throughout asix month community engagement process for a 9.4 acre vacant site targeted for futureTransit Oriented Development, adjacent to the future East line Colorado/40th commuterrail station. The Urban Land Conservancy (ULC) is a nonprofit organization that invests in real estate for the long-term benefit of Colorado communities. ULC preserves land and buildings in urban areas to enrich neighborhoods and preserve community assets for future generations. The end goal included engaging and educating representatives of five NortheastDenver neighborhoods to produce a set of Neighborhood Principles (physical, social andeconomic community values) leading to 3 community inspired site master plan designoptions. The work included both preliminary financial feasibility analysis and adetermination of private commercial real-estate viability/capacity for the purpose of ULC’s future solicitation for potential development partners for the site.
Partners: Urban Land Conservancy, The Denver Foundation | Strengthening Neighborhoods, Together Colorado, Fresc, LiveWell Colorado, Piton Foundation, Mile High Connects